Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the syntax of this INSERT INTO
statement? I've gone over it many, many times and I can't see what's wrong.
All the variables are correct. strcriteria is a list of names of justices
that the user has selected from a multi-select list box. The last value of
this variable was:
"tblJusticeNames.Justicenames="Abe Fortas"OR
tblJusticeNames.Justicenames="Alfred Moore""
Here is the value for the INSERT INTO statement:
strSqlGetAttys = "INSERT INTO tblPatentCaseInformation (Justice-Author of
Majority)" & _
"SELECT tblJusticeNames.Justicenames, * FROM tblJusticeNames" & _
"WHERE " & strCriteria & ";"
Thank you so much for any help you can provide.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the syntax of this INSERT INTO
statement? I've gone over it many, many times and I can't see what's wrong.
All the variables are correct. strcriteria is a list of names of justices
that the user has selected from a multi-select list box. The last value of
this variable was:
"tblJusticeNames.Justicenames="Abe Fortas"OR
tblJusticeNames.Justicenames="Alfred Moore""
Here is the value for the INSERT INTO statement:
strSqlGetAttys = "INSERT INTO tblPatentCaseInformation (Justice-Author of
Majority)" & _
"SELECT tblJusticeNames.Justicenames, * FROM tblJusticeNames" & _
"WHERE " & strCriteria & ";"
Thank you so much for any help you can provide.