I keep getting this error in my purchase order report and dont know what I am
missing. I know enough to be dangerous... I may have screwed this up beyond
help. Please see what you can do.
Thank you in advance!
SELECT DISTINCTROW Employees.*, Products.*, Inventory Transactions.*,
Purchase Orders.*, Suppliers.*, nz([Inventory
Transactions].[UnitPrice])*nz([UnitsOrdered]) AS Subtotal, [Shipping
Methods].[ShippingMethod] FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN (Products INNER JOIN
([Shipping Methods] RIGHT JOIN ([Inventory Transactions] INNER JOIN
(Employees RIGHT JOIN [Purchase Orders] ON [Employees].[EmployeeID]=[Purchase
Orders].[EmployeeID]) ON [Inventory Transactions].[Inventory
Number]=[Purchase Orders].[Invoice Number] ON [Shipping
Methods].[ShippingMethodID]=[Purchase Orders].[ShippingMethodID]) ON
[Products].[ProductItemNumber]=[Inventory Transactions].[ProductItemNumber])
ON [Suppliers].[SupplierID]=[Purchase Orders].[SupplierID] WHERE ((([Purchase
Orders].[Invoice Number]=[forms]![Purchase Orders]![Invoice Number]));
missing. I know enough to be dangerous... I may have screwed this up beyond
help. Please see what you can do.
Thank you in advance!
SELECT DISTINCTROW Employees.*, Products.*, Inventory Transactions.*,
Purchase Orders.*, Suppliers.*, nz([Inventory
Transactions].[UnitPrice])*nz([UnitsOrdered]) AS Subtotal, [Shipping
Methods].[ShippingMethod] FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN (Products INNER JOIN
([Shipping Methods] RIGHT JOIN ([Inventory Transactions] INNER JOIN
(Employees RIGHT JOIN [Purchase Orders] ON [Employees].[EmployeeID]=[Purchase
Orders].[EmployeeID]) ON [Inventory Transactions].[Inventory
Number]=[Purchase Orders].[Invoice Number] ON [Shipping
Methods].[ShippingMethodID]=[Purchase Orders].[ShippingMethodID]) ON
[Products].[ProductItemNumber]=[Inventory Transactions].[ProductItemNumber])
ON [Suppliers].[SupplierID]=[Purchase Orders].[SupplierID] WHERE ((([Purchase
Orders].[Invoice Number]=[forms]![Purchase Orders]![Invoice Number]));