Syntax to search


Carson Birch

Is there a quick and easy syntax to search across multiple columns in
Excel? I know there is an 'Advanced Filter' that is cumbersome to use
and not efficient for my use.

Thanks anyone!
Carson Birch.


Ken is Wright... uh, right but it's helpful to first
paint the area that you want searched ... to zero in on
the range.

Ken Wright

Only if you want to. In both 2000 and 2002, selecting the range is not necessary, unless you
actually want to restrict the search to just that range. In 2002 you also now have the option of
specifying 'workbook' which will allow you to search the entire workbook in one go.

Ken Wright

With your data in say A2:J2000. In cell K2 put the following formula and copy down:-


In cell K1 put the label 'Include'
In cell L1 put 'toronto'

Now select K1:K2000 and do Data / Filter Autofilter. Select just the 1s to get the data you want
to see.

Change the data in L1 to change your search criteria.

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