Syntax to use to retrive data from a control in vbscript



To retieve the start date from the Date Picker Control an article pn this
from Forum used the following code

strStartDate = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode _

I am trying to use teh same syntax to write data to a text field in my form.
The form is connected to a database of two tables - namely Table1 and Tabled2.

I have used the follwoing code:

strField1 = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode _
("/my:myFields/my:dataFields/d:Table1/d:Table1Item3").text = "abc"

but the following error occurs:
Object required: 'XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode(...)'

I guess my synatax for the control path is wrong.
Can anyone please help?

K.Ramana Reddy


Check this one,
strField1 = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode
("/my:myFields/my:dataFields/d:Table1/d:Table1Item3").text = "abc"

I hope this will help for you.

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