in an accessprogram, i've a annoying problem to write my syntaxis. I do not
hve full contol about the editor. When i make use in my syntaxis eg a string
beginning with ", the editor automaicle write two "" in stead of one which i
typed. Also the text i'll be writing is not between the "" and causes an
error of course. I have to take very much attention to correct allways the
syntaxis. Also when i make use of the spacebar, he automaticly returns one
In the msgboxes, i cannot see the provided choices (vbokonly, vbyesno....).
He shows the dropdownlist very fast, too fast to select the right option i
I thougt i was infected by an virus, but i did a scan with two diferent
scanners , and no virussen are detected . Is there something wrong in my
settings ??
regards Tom
in an accessprogram, i've a annoying problem to write my syntaxis. I do not
hve full contol about the editor. When i make use in my syntaxis eg a string
beginning with ", the editor automaicle write two "" in stead of one which i
typed. Also the text i'll be writing is not between the "" and causes an
error of course. I have to take very much attention to correct allways the
syntaxis. Also when i make use of the spacebar, he automaticly returns one
In the msgboxes, i cannot see the provided choices (vbokonly, vbyesno....).
He shows the dropdownlist very fast, too fast to select the right option i
I thougt i was infected by an virus, but i did a scan with two diferent
scanners , and no virussen are detected . Is there something wrong in my
settings ??
regards Tom