Are there any common mistakes that people make when managing SysCmd's
I' m trapping out with a 7952 (illegal function call) partway through
a loop that increments the meter.
In the code below, it's dying on line 5412 when K = 107 - having
initialized the meter with X=118.
This has been an ongoing intermittant problem that's plagued me
thorughout this particular development effort - and that makes me
thing I'm doing something basically wrong in managing SysCmd's meter.
5150 With securityRS
5159 If Not ((.BOF = True) And (.EOF = True)) Then
5160 If singleSecurityMode = False Then
5161 .MoveLast
5162 x = .RecordCount
5163 SysCmd acSysCmdInitMeter, "Bringing payment accruals up-
to-date as of " & theAsOfDate & " for " & Format$(x, "#,##0") & "
securities...", x
5164 .MoveFirst
5169 End If
5170 Do Until .EOF = True
..... (lotta stuff, but nothing that touches the meter or calls
5410 If singleSecurityMode = False Then
5411 k = k + 1
5412 SysCmd acSysCmdUpdateMeter, k
5419 End If
5490 .MoveNext
5499 Loop
5910 If singleSecurityMode = False Then
5911 SysCmd acSysCmdRemoveMeter
5919 End If
5990 End If
5991 End With
I' m trapping out with a 7952 (illegal function call) partway through
a loop that increments the meter.
In the code below, it's dying on line 5412 when K = 107 - having
initialized the meter with X=118.
This has been an ongoing intermittant problem that's plagued me
thorughout this particular development effort - and that makes me
thing I'm doing something basically wrong in managing SysCmd's meter.
5150 With securityRS
5159 If Not ((.BOF = True) And (.EOF = True)) Then
5160 If singleSecurityMode = False Then
5161 .MoveLast
5162 x = .RecordCount
5163 SysCmd acSysCmdInitMeter, "Bringing payment accruals up-
to-date as of " & theAsOfDate & " for " & Format$(x, "#,##0") & "
securities...", x
5164 .MoveFirst
5169 End If
5170 Do Until .EOF = True
..... (lotta stuff, but nothing that touches the meter or calls
5410 If singleSecurityMode = False Then
5411 k = k + 1
5412 SysCmd acSysCmdUpdateMeter, k
5419 End If
5490 .MoveNext
5499 Loop
5910 If singleSecurityMode = False Then
5911 SysCmd acSysCmdRemoveMeter
5919 End If
5990 End If
5991 End With