bob in san jose
This topic was active a couple of months ago, but petered out without any
answer I can find.
I tried to send a series of 5 emails, with attachments, to one recipient,
from one of my email sub-accounts (on sbcglobal.net). They all appeared to
go out, and appeared in my sent folder.
I got a reply to the first one, so I know it went through. Later, however,
when I checked the inbox for my MAIN account name, I found 4 messages from
"System Administrator" in the following form:
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: FW: Loans Document Pages, 2 of 5
Sent: 5/30/2006 9:21 AM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
'Notary Services ' on 5/30/2006 9:21 AM
None of your e-mail accounts could send to this recipient.
Now, these items were of type : "Report", not "Message". There are no
message headers. If you highlight the sender -- "System Administrator" and
click Properties, it shows the sender's email address as "System
Administrator". No domain name. And the email type is shown as "SYSTEM",
rather than, say "SMTP" as for a normal message. So I'm pretty sure these
reports are from Outlook itself, rather than from my ISP.
This is the first time this has happened; I have sent hundreds of emails
from exactly the same configuration, and have sent a few more since that have
gone through (I've received replies as normal).
Does anyone have any idea what causes this? As I said, other questions on
the same topic have been posted before, but they all seem to have drizzled
away in an exchange of "did you try this?", "how about this?, "maybe it's
your configuration" type replies/queries.
As a related question, why the heck would an application (Outlook) be
programmed to send an apparent email from "System Administrator", on a XP
Home system that doesn't have a Sysadmin. Is there a chance that I've gotten
infected by something? Nothing shows up to McAfee Viruscan.
Thanks for any ideas.
answer I can find.
I tried to send a series of 5 emails, with attachments, to one recipient,
from one of my email sub-accounts (on sbcglobal.net). They all appeared to
go out, and appeared in my sent folder.
I got a reply to the first one, so I know it went through. Later, however,
when I checked the inbox for my MAIN account name, I found 4 messages from
"System Administrator" in the following form:
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: FW: Loans Document Pages, 2 of 5
Sent: 5/30/2006 9:21 AM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
'Notary Services ' on 5/30/2006 9:21 AM
None of your e-mail accounts could send to this recipient.
Now, these items were of type : "Report", not "Message". There are no
message headers. If you highlight the sender -- "System Administrator" and
click Properties, it shows the sender's email address as "System
Administrator". No domain name. And the email type is shown as "SYSTEM",
rather than, say "SMTP" as for a normal message. So I'm pretty sure these
reports are from Outlook itself, rather than from my ISP.
This is the first time this has happened; I have sent hundreds of emails
from exactly the same configuration, and have sent a few more since that have
gone through (I've received replies as normal).
Does anyone have any idea what causes this? As I said, other questions on
the same topic have been posted before, but they all seem to have drizzled
away in an exchange of "did you try this?", "how about this?, "maybe it's
your configuration" type replies/queries.
As a related question, why the heck would an application (Outlook) be
programmed to send an apparent email from "System Administrator", on a XP
Home system that doesn't have a Sysadmin. Is there a chance that I've gotten
infected by something? Nothing shows up to McAfee Viruscan.
Thanks for any ideas.