System.mdw (WIF)



I've have extensively searched for answers regarding the setup of a security
file and have finally succeeded in getting it to work as long as I run the
Db's I have developed on my PC.

Basic question is this:

How does the Db which is copied onto a centralized server use the mdw file I
have created, if the mdw file does not transport with the Db? Does every PC
user have to have this particular mdw file installed on their own PC for this
to work?



Chris O'C via

A secure db with multiple users requires:

1 - a split db with the back end (tables and relationships only) on the
centralized server

2 - a copy of the front end (forms, queries, modules and links to the tables
in the back end) on each user's desktop

3 - the secure workgroup file on the centralized server

4 - a shortcut for each user to open the secure db with the secure workgroup.
The target should be in this format (all one line):

"path to msaccess.exe" "path to front end db" /wrkgrp "path to workgroup"

Each user should stay joined to the default (unsecure) workgroup and click on
the shortcut to open the secure db. The users will only be prompted for user
name and password when opening the secure db with this shortcut. The rest of
the time the user won't be prompted for user name and password when opening
unsecured dbs.

Microsoft MVP


Thank you for your clearly stated answer.

Does MS have any plans to include the security file with the Db to eliminate
this problem?

Chris O'C via

Sorry, it's part of the design to enable (or enforce) security whenever a Jet
db file is opened. The user is joined to the designated mdw file (workgroup)
before opening the db file. The user and group membership is checked in the
mdw file and then compared to the authorizations in the db file for that user
and the groups the user belongs to. If the user isn't a member of that
workgroup or doesn't have permission to open the db, the db file doesn't open.

Thus the mdw file and the secured db file have to be separate files because
the security file (mdw) has to be opened first to determine if the db file is
allowed to be opened. You can put the mdw file in the same folder with the
back end db file if you want to keep them together.

Microsoft MVP


Ok, thank, Chris for your assistance.

Chris O'C via said:
Sorry, it's part of the design to enable (or enforce) security whenever a Jet
db file is opened. The user is joined to the designated mdw file (workgroup)
before opening the db file. The user and group membership is checked in the
mdw file and then compared to the authorizations in the db file for that user
and the groups the user belongs to. If the user isn't a member of that
workgroup or doesn't have permission to open the db, the db file doesn't open.

Thus the mdw file and the secured db file have to be separate files because
the security file (mdw) has to be opened first to determine if the db file is
allowed to be opened. You can put the mdw file in the same folder with the
back end db file if you want to keep them together.

Microsoft MVP

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