Depending on what version of Access you are using for the stock program, the
System.mdw can be in multiple places. Normally, for Access 97 it was
stored in the Windows\system or Winnt\system32 directory.
Starting with Access 2000 and higher, the normal location of the system.mdw
database is located in
%system drive%\program files\common files\system.
If you are working with Access 2000 or higher, then you can also check the
registry to see where it is telling the database engine to look for the
system.mdw file.
The registry entry is:
with the entry Systemdb
If you search for system.mdw on your machine and fine it, you can put the
path to that file in the registry in that location (use the Jet\3.5 key for
Access 97) to point the system to the proper location.