Tab between fields changes record



I used the Form Generation Wizard to quickly generate a
form with all fields from a table. Then added a ListBox
to show, at a glance, all records in the table. Selecting
an item in the list box does a FindFirst on the RecordSet
created by the wizard and displays the name. (All good,
so far).

After selecting an entry in the list box, if I "tab" to
move into the update fields, something gets incremented
and the "next" record in the table is displayed, which is
the same behavior as tabbing through all fields and
cycling back to the first. (Clicking on the fields to
make changes following selection works fine.) How do you
manage this behavior? Also interested in what I need to
do to create a new record without having to click on the
generated button to create a new record.(?)

Sorry for the rookie questions. Any help appreciated.


Sid Baucom

George Nicholson


Until/unless you change it, the TabOrder of controls on a form is the same
as the order in which those controls were added to the form. Since the
Listbox was added to the form last, it is also last in the TabOrder for the
form (regardless of its physical position). Therefore, when you tab out of
it, Access treats it as if it were the last control on the form and goes to
the next record. The same thing can happen when you move controls around.

You can easily edit the TabOrder. In Design View, select View>TabOrder... on
the menu. You can either 1) click AutoOrder and let Access have another
shot at ordering the controls according to their current postions or 2)
manually reorder the controls to your liking. Or you can do both (let
Access have a crack at it and then fine tune it yourself).

You could also edit the TabOrder property of each individual control, but
this dialog lets you do the same thing in one shot without having to keep
track of all those individual numerical values. Note that ALL controls will
be listed in the dialog, even if their TabStop property is set to False.
The TabStop property of a control will supercede its TabOrder (i.e., If
TabStop is False, that control will be skipped regardless of its TabOrder).

Hope this helps,

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