Tab Control doesn't show .jpg



I did a "bound object frame" and "inserted a .jpg file
using "new", then "browse" to locate the .jpg file.
After clicking "ok" from the "Insert object" pop-up, the
only thing that appeared in the bound object frame was
the name of the .jpg. Why didn't the actual .jpg appear?
I realize that some of this must be due to the fact that
the .jpg isn't "embedded" in the file, but is there any

Linking gives the same result, no photo unless you double
click on the file name or icon.

If the only way to actually view the .jpg is to embed,
which makes the file bigger, then what is the purpose of
having the other options? Most of the "How To" books out
on ACCESS 2002 glide over the "bound object" and "insert
object" features.

The limitation of embedding is that if there is a change
in the file embedded, it then becomes necessary to
constantly update, which defeats the purpose of what I
need to do.

Thanks. Good luck.


Jack's answer is a little vague and doesn't really clue
you into what's going on. The reason you are not seeing
has nothing to do with embedding or linking the object.
It's because you don't have an automation server linked to
the file type .jpg - put more simply, you probably have
Internet Explorer or Paint associated with jpgs. What you
need here is Microsoft Photo Editor - to be found on your
Office 2000 CD under Office Tools in Add/Remove Features.
Install that and go to Windows Explorer - Folder Options -
View - File Types and change the association og jpg to
your newly installed MSoft Photo Editor. You will now see
embedded or linked images.

HOWEVER - don't bother. You cannot really use the Access
OLE type field to store/display images do to their
enormous space and performance overhead.

What you do, as Jack pointed out, is to add an Image
Control to your form or report and in the On Current and
After Update event properties add this code :

Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error Resume Next

Me![ImageFrame].Picture = Me![PictureName] End Sub
'ImageFrame is the name of the Image Control object on
'your form
End Sub.

First, you will have to create a table which stores the
PictureName filename and folder name.

I have a mthod for bulk loading jpg file and folder names
into this table - but you can check out and modify
this MSoft KB article - Microsoft Knowledge Base Article -

This method is fast and has virtually no size overhead.



HOWEVER - don't bother. You cannot really use the Access
OLE type field to store/display images do to their
enormous space and performance overhead.

This is not strictly accurate - The Access OLE Object field-type is simply a binary field; it can be used
to store any file (including images) with no significant overhead compared to storing the same file on

It is the use of OLE Embedding (and sometimes OLE Linking) that can give rise to a huge overhead (and other
potential issues) with compressed images.
This is a front-end (UI) technique that is unrelated to the back-end field-type; the same behavior occurs
whether the data is stored in an Access OLE Object field or SQL Server/Oracle/etc binary field. Similarly,
using raw-binary storage in Access OLE Object or SQL Server/Oracle/etc binary fields does not cause the
overhead or issues.


I do not think my solution is vague at all. Using an image
frame is the way to go, since you will find that the
Northwind sample database for Access 2002 switched the
photo in the Employees form to this method, as opposed to
using an ole object in Access 2000.
-----Original Message-----
Jack's answer is a little vague and doesn't really clue
you into what's going on. The reason you are not seeing
has nothing to do with embedding or linking the object.
It's because you don't have an automation server linked to
the file type .jpg - put more simply, you probably have
Internet Explorer or Paint associated with jpgs. What you
need here is Microsoft Photo Editor - to be found on your
Office 2000 CD under Office Tools in Add/Remove Features.
Install that and go to Windows Explorer - Folder Options -
View - File Types and change the association og jpg to
your newly installed MSoft Photo Editor. You will now see
embedded or linked images.

HOWEVER - don't bother. You cannot really use the Access
OLE type field to store/display images do to their
enormous space and performance overhead.

What you do, as Jack pointed out, is to add an Image
Control to your form or report and in the On Current and
After Update event properties add this code :

Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error Resume Next

Me![ImageFrame].Picture = Me![PictureName] End Sub
'ImageFrame is the name of the Image Control object on
'your form
End Sub.

First, you will have to create a table which stores the
PictureName filename and folder name.

I have a mthod for bulk loading jpg file and folder names
into this table - but you can check out and modify
this MSoft KB article - Microsoft Knowledge Base Article -

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