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E-mail report using Lotus Notes rather t


I have multiple tab control with one on top of another. One tab control is
Global Regions. The second set are countries within the Global regions.
third set are three tabs each with forms/text fields to capture data. I want
to put each set overlaping the other only showing Global Regions and Country
sets. so when the user select the region, the countries within the selected
region will be visible only with the corresponding third set tab control. So
what I have to do it set each tab control invisible and call upon it with
code. So how do I do that. I know how to make tab controls invisible in the
property (visible :no) But how do I call it to make it visible when the user
click on the region tab?

I used these code but it's not working. So when user click on a region I
want the system to make visible the countries in that region and also make
visible the third set of tab control with text field/form to collect data.
also when the user selected the region, and select the country within the
region, a designated third set of tab control becomes visible.

onclick: for each region tab control.
me.tabctl0.visible = false (for the countries set of tab control)
me.tabctl1.visible = false (for the third set of tab control with text field
ot collect data)

Also is there a way to change the color background on the tab control? Thank.

Jeff Boyce

Hiding and making tabs visible will take some coding.

Another approach might be to use "cascading combo-boxes".

With this approach, the user would select a value from the first combobox
([GlobalRegions]. In that combobox's AfterUpdate event, you'd add code that
requeries the second combobox, which gets its values from the list of
countries within Regions, and which would use the value in the first
combobox to limit what countries showed up.

After selecting the Country, you could either have that Country's
information show on the form (also using the AfterUpdate event), or you
could requery a third combobox, if you were trying to drill down lower.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

"E-mail report using Lotus Notes rather t"

Pieter Wijnen

In the Change Event of The TabControl

Private Sub MyTab_Change()
MyTab.Pages(2).Visible = MyTab.Page<>0
End Sub



"E-mail report using Lotus Notes rather t"

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