Tab Control: Re-Sizing Subforms?



I've got a form with a humongous tab control on it. Nine tabs, some
of them with 3 or 4 subforms.

I'm going nuts trying to fit everything on to a user's 1024x768
laptop. I'll re-size various objects, save the form, and then open
it to find the objects *seem* to have changed size on me.

I'm not on drugs and I'm pretty sure that stage one Alzheimer's is
still a few years away.... but I wouldn't rule out sheer stupidity.

Can anybody comment on the possibility of subforms spontaneously
resizing within a tab control?

No Form_ReSize() processing needed... just one-time static locations/

Also, as a tangental issue.... I'm thinking of doing a MaxWindow (or
whatever the API call is..) when this particular form is opened and
then returning to whatever mode the user had MS Access in before they
opened the form. Hopefully that will gain me a few mm of space and
also prevent MS Access from drawing those space-hogging scroll bars
when the form gets too close to the edge of it's window.

Anybody see any gotchas lurking there?

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