Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View



I have a database with 5 tabs, 4 have subforms, linked to main form via a
user ID field that automatically fills in on all subforms when the ID is
entered on the main form. The problem is that in form view, after entering a
new ID, when I click on any of the other tabs, the top of the details section
with the tabs disappears and I see only the subform from the User ID
downward. I really would like to have the tabs always be viewable, no matter
which tab control I happen to be working in. Thank you.


Try making the form smaller in design view and when opening the form, have it

Hope this helps.


Linq Adams via

Usually this behavior is the result of having the control that first receives
focus being located low on the tabbed page, causing Access to automatically
scroll down.


Thank you, I tried that but no luck. The main form shows the detail section
properly when no tabs and subforms are inserted but as soon as I put them
back, the tabs along the top are not viewable when opening the form in Form


Thank you, I tried that but no luck. The main form shows the detail section
properly when no tabs and subforms are inserted but as soon as I put them
back, the tabs along the top are not viewable when opening the form in Form

Rick Brandt

BG44 said:
Thank you, I tried that but no luck. The main form shows the detail
section properly when no tabs and subforms are inserted but as soon
as I put them back, the tabs along the top are not viewable when
opening the form in Form view.

If your tabs have subforms on them it means your subform *controls* are not
tall enough to show the entire subform within them.


Ok. Sorry but I don't understand what you mean. I am trying to figure this
out by using a Microsoft guide but obviously I am missing something. Or many

Rick Brandt

BG44 said:
Ok. Sorry but I don't understand what you mean. I am trying to
figure this out by using a Microsoft guide but obviously I am missing
something. Or many somethings


If your subform control (on a TabPage) is 2 inches tall and the form shown
within it is 2.1 inches tall then I have seen this behavior where the Tabs
scroll up and out of view. Making the subform control taller solves the


I don't know. I try and try but cannot get it to work. The form is fine until
I add another tab with subform - as soon as I do, the tabs disappear. All the
subforms I try affect the main form the same way. Thanks for the responses

Rick Brandt

BG44 said:
I don't know. I try and try but cannot get it to work. The form is
fine until I add another tab with subform - as soon as I do, the tabs
disappear. All the subforms I try affect the main form the same way.
Thanks for the responses though.

But...did you try simply making the subform control taller? As a test make
it a LOT taller and see what happens.


I really don't unsderstand what you mean by subform control. If I click on
the box in the upper left corner and display the properties of the subform,

Rick Brandt

BG44 said:
I really don't unsderstand what you mean by subform control. If I
click on the box in the upper left corner and display the properties
of the subform, on format I see form width, but no height. I cannot
find subform control in my book. Thank you though for your help.

The rectangular area you see on your main form where the subform is
displayed is the subform control. It is the container used to contain and
display the form you are using as a subform and it can be sized just like
any other control by grabbing its edge with the mouse and dragging.


The subform is quite large already as it is a form that is 12x22. The thing
that happens is this: on my subform are fields that get filled in
automatically from the main form (user id, accession #.) When I first open
the form, the tabs are visible, I can tab through them and they stay visible.
As soon as I enter the user Id and Accession # in the main form and click on
the next subform, the tabs disappear and the focus is on the user ID in the
subform, with clicking mouse cursor. I don't know how to make those tabs show
up and still have the user id, etc. fill in properly. I don't have anywhere
else to set the focus as the only thing at the top would be a label
displaying the database name, and I read, perhaps incorrectly, you can't make
that a focus point. Thank you for your kind responses.

Rick Brandt

BG44 said:
The subform is quite large already as it is a form that is 12x22. The
thing that happens is this: on my subform are fields that get filled
in automatically from the main form (user id, accession #.) When I
first open the form, the tabs are visible, I can tab through them and
they stay visible. As soon as I enter the user Id and Accession # in
the main form and click on the next subform, the tabs disappear and
the focus is on the user ID in the subform, with clicking mouse
cursor. I don't know how to make those tabs show up and still have
the user id, etc. fill in properly. I don't have anywhere else to set
the focus as the only thing at the top would be a label displaying
the database name, and I read, perhaps incorrectly, you can't make
that a focus point. Thank you for your kind responses.

I don't know how to make what I am saying any clearer. I don't believe the
size of the container being used to display your subform (the subform
control) is large enough to display ALL of the form being used as a subform
at one time.

If it were large enough it would not matter where you set focus in the
subform. The fact that setting focus to a certain control causes the
tab-scrolling to occur is evidence that the form is larger than the control.
Obviously when things are correct you should be able to set focus anywhere
you like.

Last try...

Even if it looks ridiculous, (as a test only) make your subform control a
LOT bigger in both height and width to see if the problem goes away. If it
doesn't then I am on the wrong track. If it does then you can experiment
with the size to see what "reasonable" size works properly. You might even
be able to just use the Auto-Size option in the format menu. That should
make the subform control just large enough to contain the form it is


I think I now see what you were saying. I was not making the underneath layer
big enough - I was on the wrong section of the subform. I believe I have the
right track. Thanks again for all your help. Now on to stopping the records
from scrolling when I use the mouse scroll. I am sure there will be an answer
in this forum somewhere for that. It must take a bit of patience for all you
experts to drag novices through things they aren't trained or paid to do.
Thanks again.

Rick Brandt

BG44 said:
I think I now see what you were saying. I was not making the
underneath layer big enough - I was on the wrong section of the
subform. I believe I have the right track. Thanks again for all your
help. Now on to stopping the records from scrolling when I use the
mouse scroll. I am sure there will be an answer in this forum
somewhere for that. It must take a bit of patience for all you
experts to drag novices through things they aren't trained or paid to
do. Thanks again.

That behavior was finally corrected in Access 2007. For prior versions
Steven Lebans has a DLL and accompanying VBA code you can use to turn that
behavior off.

larysa szalapaj

I am sure my problem is in the region of your prior discussion. My client has a pc and a laptop. I've written an app that is to work on both. Same app. On the pc the tabs don't disappear, on the laptop, which has a smaller screen they do.
I am using MS Access 2007 and am saving the db as an Access 2000 db, so that the client can access the app without version issues.
There are 6 tabs on the form, one tab control which has a width of 22.8 and height of 19. Tab one has a page and rectangled background (22 x18.7). Tab 2,3,4,5 6 have pages with width of 22 and height of 18.6. Each of these pages holds a subform 21.6w x 18 or 17.4 high.
The truth is that I am no longer sure what it is that causes the tabs to disappear on the smaller screen and feel that i have entered a universe without rules in which i need some guidance. I look forward to some recommendations.

Also please excuse me for being so simple, but in one of the questions it was said 'make the subform control smaller' - please could you spell that out for me; which subform control? And what about tab one, where there is no subform?
Thank you in advance for your help.

Rick Brandt wrote:

Re: Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View

BG44 wrote

That behavior was finally corrected in Access 2007. For prior versions
Steven Lebans has a DLL and accompanying VBA code you can use to turn that
behavior off

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MV
Email (as appropriate) to..
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

Previous Posts In This Thread:

Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View
I have a database with 5 tabs, 4 have subforms, linked to main form via a
user ID field that automatically fills in on all subforms when the ID is
entered on the main form. The problem is that in form view, after entering a
new ID, when I click on any of the other tabs, the top of the details section
with the tabs disappears and I see only the subform from the User ID
downward. I really would like to have the tabs always be viewable, no matter
which tab control I happen to be working in. Thank you.

Try making the form smaller in design view and when opening the form, have it
Try making the form smaller in design view and when opening the form, have i

Hope this helps



Usually this behavior is the result of having the control that first
Usually this behavior is the result of having the control that first receive
focus being located low on the tabbed page, causing Access to automaticall
scroll down

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat

Answers/posts based on Access 2000/200

Thank you, I tried that but no luck.
Thank you, I tried that but no luck. The main form shows the detail section
properly when no tabs and subforms are inserted but as soon as I put them
back, the tabs along the top are not viewable when opening the form in Form


Thank you, I tried that but no luck.
Thank you, I tried that but no luck. The main form shows the detail section
properly when no tabs and subforms are inserted but as soon as I put them
back, the tabs along the top are not viewable when opening the form in Form


Re: Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View
BG44 wrote

If your tabs have subforms on them it means your subform *controls* are not
tall enough to show the entire subform within them

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MV
Email (as appropriate) to..
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

Ok. Sorry but I don't understand what you mean.
Ok. Sorry but I do not understand what you mean. I am trying to figure thi
out by using a Microsoft guide but obviously I am missing something. Or many


Re: Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View
BG44 wrote:


If your subform control (on a TabPage) is 2 inches tall and the form shown
within it is 2.1 inches tall then I have seen this behavior where the Tabs
scroll up and out of view. Making the subform control taller solves the

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP
Email (as appropriate) to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

I don't know. I try and try but cannot get it to work.
I don't know. I try and try but cannot get it to work. The form is fine until
I add another tab with subform - as soon as I do, the tabs disappear. All the
subforms I try affect the main form the same way. Thanks for the responses


Re: Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View
BG44 wrote:

But...did you try simply making the subform control taller? As a test make
it a LOT taller and see what happens.

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP
Email (as appropriate) to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

I really don't unsderstand what you mean by subform control.
I really don't unsderstand what you mean by subform control. If I click on
the box in the upper left corner and display the properties of the subform,
on format I see form width, but no height. I cannot find subform control in
my book. Thank you though for your help.


Re: Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View
BG44 wrote:

The rectangular area you see on your main form where the subform is
displayed is the subform control. It is the container used to contain and
display the form you are using as a subform and it can be sized just like
any other control by grabbing its edge with the mouse and dragging.

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP
Email (as appropriate) to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

The subform is quite large already as it is a form that is 12x22.
The subform is quite large already as it is a form that is 12x22. The thing
that happens is this: on my subform are fields that get filled in
automatically from the main form (user id, accession #.) When I first open
the form, the tabs are visible, I can tab through them and they stay visible.
As soon as I enter the user Id and Accession # in the main form and click on
the next subform, the tabs disappear and the focus is on the user ID in the
subform, with clicking mouse cursor. I don't know how to make those tabs show
up and still have the user id, etc. fill in properly. I don't have anywhere
else to set the focus as the only thing at the top would be a label
displaying the database name, and I read, perhaps incorrectly, you can't make
that a focus point. Thank you for your kind responses.


Re: Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View
BG44 wrote:

I don't know how to make what I am saying any clearer. I don't believe the
size of the container being used to display your subform (the subform
control) is large enough to display ALL of the form being used as a subform
at one time.

If it were large enough it would not matter where you set focus in the
subform. The fact that setting focus to a certain control causes the
tab-scrolling to occur is evidence that the form is larger than the control.
Obviously when things are correct you should be able to set focus anywhere
you like.

Last try...

Even if it looks ridiculous, (as a test only) make your subform control a
LOT bigger in both height and width to see if the problem goes away. If it
doesn't then I am on the wrong track. If it does then you can experiment
with the size to see what "reasonable" size works properly. You might even
be able to just use the Auto-Size option in the format menu. That should
make the subform control just large enough to contain the form it is

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP
Email (as appropriate) to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

I made everything huge yesterday and that still didn't work so thanks for your
I made everything huge yesterday and that still did not work so thanks for
your time.


Re: Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View
Rick Brandt wrote:

Since a form is limited in size to 22 inches for both height and width then
by definition it is impossible for a subform control to completely display a
subform that has a 22 inch dimension on a TabControl since the TabControl
and main form must consume some space of their own.

Bottom line is that your subform must be made smaller.

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP
Email (as appropriate) to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

I think I now see what you were saying.
I think I now see what you were saying. I was not making the underneath layer
big enough - I was on the wrong section of the subform. I believe I have the
right track. Thanks again for all your help. Now on to stopping the records
from scrolling when I use the mouse scroll. I am sure there will be an answer
in this forum somewhere for that. It must take a bit of patience for all you
experts to drag novices through things they aren't trained or paid to do.
Thanks again.


Re: Tab Controls Disappear from sight in Form View
BG44 wrote:

That behavior was finally corrected in Access 2007. For prior versions
Steven Lebans has a DLL and accompanying VBA code you can use to turn that
behavior off.

Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVP
Email (as appropriate) to...
RBrandt at Hunter dot com

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