Tab Controls for Work Days??



I want to create a form to track what employees are working on what area of a
specific project. Project is usually 3 or 4 days long, but the same employee
may work on a different dept on different days. Also, the first day may need
5 employees, but the next 2 days may only need 4.

I've never used tab controls before but was thinking if I had a tab for each
day, could I enter the employees and department they are working on on the
1st tab, can it copy all that information on the other tabs and then I could
go into those tabs and change the depts they are going to be working on that
day or delete an employee from those tabs if not needed that day? If so, how
do I set up the tabs so it will put the information I enter on all tabs from
the original entry.


That's the rub. I'm relatively new at Access and only have limited VBA code
experience(mostly setting up temptables as a DAO.Recordset). What you
suggested is probably too advanced for me.

Peter Hibbs

Your project sounds interesting, I would be prepared to have a go at
creating a Flex Grid solution to your problem. If you are interested
send me an email with details of your tables/fields and exactly how
you want the data to be shown or better still, send me a copy of your
database (compacted and zipped). I'll try and add a Flex Grid control
to the form to do what you want, it is then up to you whether you keep
it or not. No promises though. My email address is
(e-mail address removed)_SPAM (remove the .NO_SPAM first).

Peter Hibbs.

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