tab key in Excel jumps cursor cells



Running Windows XP SP2 and Office 2003, Tab key in Excel has started to jump
multiple cells to right whenever I use it to navigate (instead of to the
immediate adjacent cell to right as designed). The number of jumped cells
seems random, and it is not to the end of a group of cells.
I find no help on this, after extensive searches. There seems to be no
place to reset the tab function.
All my other Excel functions seem to be working perfectly. I am very
experienced in Excel, and the loss of the tab function disrupts a
many-year-old habit.
"Enter" and Arrow keys still work as designed.



Peo Sjoblom

Tools>options>transition clear transition navigation keys, it jumps the size
of your excel window.
You probably opened a workbook that was originally created in Lotus 123



Peo Sjoblom

David Biddulph

Tools/ Options/ Transition:
uncheck Transition Navigation Keys (and usually wise to uncheck anything
else there).


Thanks Peo and to David Bidduph also. You both said the same thing, it
worked properly after I cleared the checkbox on transition navigation. I
can't believe that I received answers in less than 1 hour. This is amazing.

I will leave that check box cleared.

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