I recently designed my first few forms in Outlook. One of them is based
off of the Meeting Request form. I added a tab for agenda items. This
works out perfectly when sending a message, and for some people, even
for receiving a message.
When certain meeting attendees receive the invitation, they can open it
and see the Agenda tab. Yet, once they accept the meeting invitation,
and then return to the notice on their calendar, the Agenda tab has
This is not the case for ALL invited, but I also can not find any
settings that are different between those for whom the tab is visible
and those for whom it isn't.
No one has this form published in their personal folders except for me,
and I need to find a way to keep it this way, since I'd like this tab
to be present regardless of whether or not the recipient of the
invitation is a part of our Microsoft Exchange server.
I selected "Send form definition with item" on the Properties tab when
I designed the form because I read that it would help. It didn't, so I
had a person who couldn't get the tab clear his Forms Cache, and that
didn't work either. Now I'm at a loss for what to do.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
off of the Meeting Request form. I added a tab for agenda items. This
works out perfectly when sending a message, and for some people, even
for receiving a message.
When certain meeting attendees receive the invitation, they can open it
and see the Agenda tab. Yet, once they accept the meeting invitation,
and then return to the notice on their calendar, the Agenda tab has
This is not the case for ALL invited, but I also can not find any
settings that are different between those for whom the tab is visible
and those for whom it isn't.
No one has this form published in their personal folders except for me,
and I need to find a way to keep it this way, since I'd like this tab
to be present regardless of whether or not the recipient of the
invitation is a part of our Microsoft Exchange server.
I selected "Send form definition with item" on the Properties tab when
I designed the form because I read that it would help. It didn't, so I
had a person who couldn't get the tab clear his Forms Cache, and that
didn't work either. Now I'm at a loss for what to do.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.