Tab Templates....


Glenn Davis

If I have ceated a tab with pages that have been set up for a specific
purpose, can I use that tab as a template for a new tab if I have to do
exactly the same setup of pages?

Glenn Davis

I actually figured out a better way to do it. I created a folder just the
way I wanted it with all the sections and pages the way I needed it nd then
closed ON.

I then used the file system to move the folder to a directory outside of My
Notebooks. Now anytime I need that setup, I simply copy that folder to the
appropriate location inside the My Notebooks folder.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

I actually figured out a better way to do it. I created a folder just
way I wanted it with all the sections and pages the way I needed it nd
closed ON.

I then used the file system to move the folder to a directory outside of
Notebooks. Now anytime I need that setup, I simply copy that folder to
appropriate location inside the My Notebooks folder.

That's more or less the way I was about to suggest you do it. :)

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
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