Table attributes



i was wondering if someone was able to help me. i am doing
a uni project in which i have to produce a database to
show what software is on which comp in the uni, i also
have to deal with the licenceing aspect. does anyone have
any ideas to the tables i could create and what i could
put in them?

Thanks a million.



Computers and Software would be two good ones to start with (One computer
has many software items)

I did this at my last emplyer, but I don;t have a copy anymore. Sorry.


first and before you begin building any database, you
have to know about the project (your application)
domain,you have to collect info. about how things work in
your uni,after that you understand the requirements of
your project,then after that you have to know exactly
what are the OBJECTS you have in your application,such as
software, license ,etc..,and to know what are the
properties (attributes of those objects),because those
attributes will be the base for tables,build initial
tables according to those attributes,then fine-tune your
tables,when you finish your tables create relaships
between tables,beleive me its the only way to build a
good database,don't be frustrated,
any help i'm ready, be patient.

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