Table Background Turns Blue



All of a sudden all my tables in a document will turn blue in the background
and I have to scrap the document. What gives?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

What version of Word are you using and what are the steps you're following when this occurs.

All of a sudden all my tables in a document will turn blue in the background
and I have to scrap the document. What gives?>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


I am seeing my text turn blue as I type in a table in Word 2007. It darkens
to very dark blue so you cannot see what you're typing! Does not make sense.
Is there a way to change this?
Thank you


We are having this issue too. We have seen numerous posts on the Internet of
others with the same issue but no fix. We've tried using a new
template in case our original one is fault (along with a range of other
attempted fixes) - however nothing solves this problem.

Is this a bug in Microsoft Word 2007?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

This problem appears to be caused by the display driver, especially when
running under Vista. Check the website of the manufacturer of your display
card for updated drivers.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Thanks for your suggestion, however this issue appears both via Remote
Desktop and on the local PC's screen which would indicate it's not driver
related. Also, the PC having the fault runs Windows XP rather than Vista (and
it has a signed driver, and is patched right up to date).

Also, if we have open the document on completly computers we can replicate
the issue (on either XP or Vista). The issue occurs on the other computer
just for that file however, and not for new documents (unlike on the PC with
the issue where I understand it happens with any file).

How can we escalate this issue to get this bug fixed. How do we work around
it in the meantime?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Gorilla,

What are the steps to replicate it?

If it happens only in specific documents can you provide a link to a problem document and or screen shots?

Thanks for your suggestion, however this issue appears both via Remote
Desktop and on the local PC's screen which would indicate it's not driver
related. Also, the PC having the fault runs Windows XP rather than Vista (and
it has a signed driver, and is patched right up to date).

Also, if we have open the document on completly computers we can replicate
the issue (on either XP or Vista). The issue occurs on the other computer
just for that file however, and not for new documents (unlike on the PC with
the issue where I understand it happens with any file).

How can we escalate this issue to get this bug fixed. How do we work around
it in the meantime? >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


The problems appears to be a bug that automatically updated the
paragraph style for the table text to have a shading of blue. The
shade applies to the paragraph style not the table style. I was able
to fix my situation where I had white text on a blue background in
Word 2003. Here are the steps I followed.

1) Menu select: Format > Styles and Formatting

This should bring up the list of Styles and Formats in use.

2) Select your table text.

You should see the style in effect in the Styles and Formats window at
the top. The text at the top should have the same formatting as what
you selected, in my case it had a blue background.

3) Right mouse click the Style at the top of the Styles and Formats
window and select Modify Style from the menu.

4) In the Modify Style dialog screen click the Format button down at
the lower left corner.

5) Select Border from the drop down menu.

Borders and Shading dialog appears.

6) Select the Shading tab and clear the shading in effect.

7) Click OK > OK

And you should see removal of shading applied to all text using that
style. In my case much of whats in my tables.

Hope this helps.



Follow Up:

So, the problem came back, and my last solution was only a temporary
one, because the Document Map style is persistent, and according to
word it is not in use anywhere in the document. This style is
apparently used by the Document Map feature in Word to format the text
in the map. Somehow it got applied to my document and polluted it. I
did find a better way to get rid of it. I saved the document as a
Word 2007 docx file. This removed the style. I have Word 2003, so
hopefully switching between the two 2003 doc and docx will help me
manage this problem.

Hope this helps.



Do we have a fix for this? Otherwise I am going to have to go back to
WORD 2000.


HI there. Have you had any luck in rectifying this problem? I've got the
same issue. thanks!


All of a sudden all my tables in a document will turn blue in the background
and I have to scrap the document. What gives?

I know this is a few years later, but I have just had a similar issue. I was copying tables from one part of a single document to another part and when I pasted the tables, the background went blue. I searched and none of thesuggestions worked. I just happened to be in "Track changes" mode and right-clicked on the text in one of the tables. I accepted the change and the blue background DISAPPEARED! WOOT!


I know this is a few years later, but I have just had a similar issue. I was copying tables from one part of a single document to another part and when I pasted the tables, the background went blue. I searched and none of the suggestions worked. I just happened to be in "Track changes" mode and right-clicked on the text in one of the tables. I accepted the change and theblue background DISAPPEARED! WOOT!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I've been dealing with that stupid problem for the longest time, but your post got me where I needed to go. Under "change tracking options" there was actually a section for "table cell highlighting" and it was set to light blue. I turned it white and voila!

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