Table border colors: works in IE, not in Netscape/Firefox


Linda T53

I created a table, with the borders a different color than the default set
up in Frontpage 2003. When I preview it in Frontpage it looks fine.
Previewing it in IE is fine, but when I preview it in Netscape or Firefox the
borders are black instead of the color I have chosen.
Any ideas what is going on? And if so, how do I fix it?

Thank you


The HTML style for table border colors *IS* IE only. If you want colored
borders you would have to use CSS to get them.

Linda T53

That is what I was afraid you were going to say. :(
Oh well, maybe in the future I can tackle CSS..

Thank you for your help.


It's simple.

Put this in the head of the page -

<style type="text/css">

table.special { border:2px solid green; }


This will style any table on the page with a table tag like this -

<table class="special"....

What could be easier?

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