In MS Access default table view to columns can set width.
here is the function where i give table name,Column name and width and i
need to check is there a table with name like sName,column like sColName and
is width for this column is like sWidth! Function likes ok,but the field
property 20-FieldWidth always returns value= -1.
Function IsColumnWidth(ByVal sName As String, ByVal sColName As String,
ByVal sWidth As String) As Boolean
For Each tabula As dao.TableDef In ACS.TableDefs
If tabula.Name.ToUpper.Trim = sName.ToUpper.Trim Then
For Each lauks As dao.Field In tabula.Fields
If lauks.Name.ToUpper.Trim = sColName.ToUpper.Trim Then
Dim platums As Decimal = CDec(sWidth)
Dim maxw = platums + platums * 0.1
Dim minw As Decimal = platums - platums * 0.1
If lauks.Properties.Item(20).Value > minw AndAlso
lauks.Properties.Item(20).Value < maxw Then
Return True
End If
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
I hope to get your answers soon!
In MS Access default table view to columns can set width.
here is the function where i give table name,Column name and width and i
need to check is there a table with name like sName,column like sColName and
is width for this column is like sWidth! Function likes ok,but the field
property 20-FieldWidth always returns value= -1.
Function IsColumnWidth(ByVal sName As String, ByVal sColName As String,
ByVal sWidth As String) As Boolean
For Each tabula As dao.TableDef In ACS.TableDefs
If tabula.Name.ToUpper.Trim = sName.ToUpper.Trim Then
For Each lauks As dao.Field In tabula.Fields
If lauks.Name.ToUpper.Trim = sColName.ToUpper.Trim Then
Dim platums As Decimal = CDec(sWidth)
Dim maxw = platums + platums * 0.1
Dim minw As Decimal = platums - platums * 0.1
If lauks.Properties.Item(20).Value > minw AndAlso
lauks.Properties.Item(20).Value < maxw Then
Return True
End If
End If
End If
Return False
End Function
I hope to get your answers soon!