Table columns are squeezed in "Publish as PDF" output



If you have a table in a note that you export to a PDF, the table columns are
rendered much narrower in the PDF than they are displayed in OneNote (or are
printed on a printed page). You can see this easily by creating a table with
a few wide columns, then exporting it to PDF and comparing the generated PDF
to the appearance of the table in OneNote.

This is with OneNote 2007 build 4518 & WinXP SP2.

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I have tried this multiple times, and not been able to replicate it. What
version of Adobe do you have installed? Do you have any other PDF Reader



I actually found the bug for myself.

To reproduce build a table like this:

111 | 111 | 111
111 | 111 | 2222222222

If you publish this you get the squeezed export. I think it doesn't matter
which Acrobat Software is installed.

In some cases you get something like this:

11 | 11 | 111
1 1
11 | 11 | 222222
1 | 1 | 2222

I don't want a second WinWord (OneNote with more table functions) but please
correct the bugs.



I'm having the same exact problem and I don't want to switch to Word to fix
it. That's why I bought OneNote. All you have to do is typically create a
page with several different tables with 3 or 4 columns each. Make the width
of the tables close to the right margin line. Then publish as PDF. I'm
currently using Adobe Prof 8.1

If I can get an email address I can send you an example. I assume that I can
export a page out of OneNote but have never tried it.

The only way to fix it is to open the PDF and look for the tables where the
width is about 1/4 what it should be. Then switch to OneNote and drag the
right table margin back and forth until you see each column in the table
resize itself. Then drag the table width back to where you want it and resize
the internal columns if necessary. Then republish.

Sometimes the individual column widths will change and not the entire width.

I love OneNote for publishing reports as I can include graphics and
hyperlinks easily. All my documents are in one place. I use it at work and
spent my own money for the program as it is not supported by my company. Oh I
use XP Prof.

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