word 2007
Trying to automate the size of individual colums in a word table. First
column always contains text and the remaining columns always contain
numbers. When the linked contents of a cell change, i would like for the
number columns to autofit the contents and not wrap, while column one size
can change and wrap text if necessary. At the same time, the table needs to
fill the width of the page. I would like to run code to correct this issue.
Need help with code examples, thanks in advance
Trying to automate the size of individual colums in a word table. First
column always contains text and the remaining columns always contain
numbers. When the linked contents of a cell change, i would like for the
number columns to autofit the contents and not wrap, while column one size
can change and wrap text if necessary. At the same time, the table needs to
fill the width of the page. I would like to run code to correct this issue.
Need help with code examples, thanks in advance