Steve said:
What I am wanting to accomplish is this:
I have a table that contains a list of words.
I would like to set this up so that if a user clicked on a cell in
the table a pop-up userform (or something) would appear with the
definition for the word that the cell contains.
Conceptually, it sounds simple enough, but I do not know how to
accomplish it.
Does anyone out there have a clue about how to accomplish this task?
I thank you in advance.
As simple as it sounds, the mechanism is quite complex. Since (I assume)
you're dealing with a plain table rather than a table full of protected form
cells, there is only one way to get a macro to run when clicking in a cell.
That's to create an "event handler" that runs code every time the selection
(the cursor/insertion point) is moved by a click, an arrow key, or a tab.
The principles and construction of an event handler are described by MVP
Bill Coan at and his
similar article at
The code below is based on those articles.
The specific event that's needed here is WindowSelectionChange.
Following Bill's instructions, this code goes into the class module named
Option Explicit
'Declare that only an instance of Word can be assigned to this variable
'and also that the assigned instance should be notified to
'check inside the event handler for application event procedures.
Public WithEvents EventSource As Word.Application
Private Sub EventSource_WindowSelectionChange(ByVal Sel As Selection)
' Pop up definition of word in current table cell
' Exit as soon as possible if conditions aren't right
' ...check that the selection is in the right document:
If InStr(LCase(ActiveDocument.Name), "showdefs") = 0 Then Exit Sub
' ...check that the selection is in a table:
If Not Sel.Information(wdWithInTable) Then Exit Sub
' ...check that the selection is in the first column:
If Sel.Information(wdStartOfRangeColumnNumber) <> 1 Then Exit Sub
' if we get here, the conditions are all satisfied, so
' call the procedure in the regular code module modHandleEvents
DisplayDefinition Sel
End Sub
IMPORTANT: You must change the quoted word "showdefs" in the code above to
match the file name of the document in which you want the definitions to pop
up. This prevents the event handler from trying to show definitions in any
other document.
You may want to change this check to one that looks at the name of the
ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate or some other way to make sure the code
doesn't run in the wrong circumstances. You may also want to remove the
check for the first column, if that wasn't your intention.
Also following Bill's instructions, this code goes in the regular code
module named modHandleEvents:
Option Explicit
' declare type of object to be stored in the objEventHandler variable
Dim objEventHandler As clsEventHandler
Sub CreateEventHandler()
'create a new event handler object and assign it to objEventHandler
Set objEventHandler = New clsEventHandler
'Notify the current instance of Word to check for
'application event procedures
'inside the event handler object
Set objEventHandler.EventSource = Word.Application
End Sub
Sub DestroyEventHandler()
'release the memory being used by the event handler object
Set objEventHandler = Nothing
End Sub
Sub AutoExec()
'whenever this template is loaded globally,
'automatically create an event handler
End Sub
Sub AutoExit()
'whenever this template is unloaded,
'automatically destroy the event handler
End Sub
Finally, the next procedure is added to the same module modHandleEvents. You
will have to change some things in here to match your requirements, as
described below the code.
Sub DisplayDefinition(Sel As Selection)
Dim CellRg As Range
Dim WordToDefine As String
Dim Definition As String
Dim idx As Long
Dim DefStore(1, 2) As String
' fill the DefStore array
DefStore(0, 0) = "1"
DefStore(0, 1) = "2"
DefStore(0, 2) = "3"
DefStore(1, 0) = "one"
DefStore(1, 1) = "two"
DefStore(1, 2) = "three"
' the event handler assures that the selection is in a table cell
Set CellRg = Sel.Cells(1).Range
CellRg.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
WordToDefine = CellRg.Text
' find the word in the array
Definition = ""
For idx = 0 To UBound(DefStore, 2)
If DefStore(0, idx) = WordToDefine Then
Definition = DefStore(1, idx)
Exit For
End If
If Len(Definition) Then
MsgBox Definition, , "Definition"
End If
End Sub
To make the needed changes, first make a list (on paper!) of the words and
their definitions. Count the number of words, subtract 1 from that number,
and put the result in the code in place of the number 2 in the line
Dim DefStore(1, 2) As String
Next, put the words into the lines that start with "DefStore(0," and add as
many of those as needed, increasing the second number as you go. The last
one should have a number that matches what you put into the Dim statement
Put the definitions of the words into the lines that start with
"DefStore(1," and add as many of those as needed; again you should come to
the last one with the same number as before.
Check your work; for each value of N, the line for DefStore(1, N) should
contain the definition of the word in the DefStore(0, N) line.
Finally, follow Bill's instructions in the section "Test Your Event
Handler", except that instead of saving and printing you should test moving
the cursor into various table cells.
If you get here without problems, congratulations! Otherwise, post a reply.
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.