table defaults?



In Word 2007, after inserting a table with a header row with special fill
color and lines, every time I insert another table it defaults to that header
row style previously made. How can I stop that type of default?

PamC via

I sounds like you have modified the table grid style, which is the default
table style in Word. When you put the cursor in the fancy table, does an
orange glow surround the table grid icon? If so,...

A quick fix is to create and name a new table style based on table normal
with nothing but the grid added. Right click on your new plain table style
icon and choose "set as default". New tables will have the plain table
formatting, which is to say none.

If the document will be used and modified over time or if it will be the
basis for other documents, you may want to return table grid to its default
settings (to do that, delete it), and for your fancy table, create a new
table style that is based on table grid but with a different name.

On the other hand, if you just have some tables that do not have header rows,
go to table tools > design tab > table style options, and clear the check box
for header row.



Thanks for the suggestions, however I have not modified the table grid style.
When starting a document from scratch, it doesn't immediately come up that
way, only after creating a table with headers that have a fill color. Then
after that, it assumes I want all my tables from that point on in that
particularly document to be styled that way.

PamC via

What table style does Word say these table are in? To find out, with the
cursor in a table, look in the table style group of the design tab, and
hover the mouse pointer over the highlighted one. I a few seconds the style
name should show up.
cbemoras said:
Thanks for the suggestions, however I have not modified the table grid style.
When starting a document from scratch, it doesn't immediately come up that
way, only after creating a table with headers that have a fill color. Then
after that, it assumes I want all my tables from that point on in that
particularly document to be styled that way.
I sounds like you have modified the table grid style, which is the default
table style in Word. When you put the cursor in the fancy table, does an
[quoted text clipped - 19 lines]

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