I have a db that tracks clients and multiple lines of coverage for each
client. Each line of coverage is assigned a group (from a list of about 8),
an effective date and a term date. What I want to add is something to make
sure we've been paid for each month for each line of coverage as long as it
is effective. I don't need to track amounts, just each month that is paid
A statement might include any number of months of payments. (last month's
statement didn't show I got paid, this month's statement shows I got paid for
last month and this month combined.) I want to be able to "post" the
payments on a form from the statement and then run a report to show if a
month was skipped. I can figure out the form and report...I'm stuck how to
set up the table.
I appreciate any ideas.
client. Each line of coverage is assigned a group (from a list of about 8),
an effective date and a term date. What I want to add is something to make
sure we've been paid for each month for each line of coverage as long as it
is effective. I don't need to track amounts, just each month that is paid
A statement might include any number of months of payments. (last month's
statement didn't show I got paid, this month's statement shows I got paid for
last month and this month combined.) I want to be able to "post" the
payments on a form from the statement and then run a report to show if a
month was skipped. I can figure out the form and report...I'm stuck how to
set up the table.
I appreciate any ideas.