I'm building a new database and making the following tables: tblStudents,
tblTeachers, and tblAdministrators. Many of the filed s in these tables are
the same, for example name, address, city, state, zip, phone.....do I need to
specify these fields differently in each table, for example StudName,
StudAdd, StudCity, and TeachName, TeachAdd and TeachCity or is it acceptable
to just name them the same in all tables thinking the tables will
differentiate them? Thanks
tblTeachers, and tblAdministrators. Many of the filed s in these tables are
the same, for example name, address, city, state, zip, phone.....do I need to
specify these fields differently in each table, for example StudName,
StudAdd, StudCity, and TeachName, TeachAdd and TeachCity or is it acceptable
to just name them the same in all tables thinking the tables will
differentiate them? Thanks