Warning: newbie
I've already posted this in the wrong area, sorry. Anywho...
I'm trying to design a table around a dlookup statement I have.
I'm having trouble putting it all together.
strName = Forms!login1.Login 'a selected name at login from dropdown
strPassword = Me![Password]
If StrComp(Nz(DLookup("[Password]", "UserDef", "User_Name ='" & strName &
"'"), ""), strPassword, 0) = 0 Then
If I understand this, I need a field called Password in Table UserDef ...
after that I'm lost.
Where do I put my criteria?
Please give absurdly detailed answer.
I've already posted this in the wrong area, sorry. Anywho...
I'm trying to design a table around a dlookup statement I have.
I'm having trouble putting it all together.
strName = Forms!login1.Login 'a selected name at login from dropdown
strPassword = Me![Password]
If StrComp(Nz(DLookup("[Password]", "UserDef", "User_Name ='" & strName &
"'"), ""), strPassword, 0) = 0 Then
If I understand this, I need a field called Password in Table UserDef ...
after that I'm lost.
Where do I put my criteria?
Please give absurdly detailed answer.