Table-driven db



What is a "table-driven" database as opposed to forms-driven? I have been
designing forms driven databases.

Jeff Boyce

Have you tried use those as search terms on-line?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Yes, that is what I am doing. I know they use Access Front end and SQL
backend so I am thinking they mean by "table-driven" that the queries table
joins etc are done in SQL but I wanted to be sure that is all the terminology

George Nicholson

My 2 cents:

Table driven > Access > Egg
Form driven > Filemaker Pro > Chicken

At least, that's my knee-jerk reaction to the question. I know very little
about Filemaker, but the little exposure I have had told me in no uncertain
terms that its a *completely* different design paradigm than Access. Not
better, not worse, just a different approach.



File Maker is not involved in this at all, it is just Access and SQL. What I
meant by my application being form driven is that I have a lot of Complex
Forms where the data is entered, so the forms are "driving" what is stored
where. In the situation I was discussing. They are linking up with tables
with Sql data which was entered from another application there by "table
driven" (I guess). Maybe I just answered my own question but I wanted to be
sure the terminology didn't imply more than that.Thx

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