Table Field Data Type - Change from Number to Text



I have a table called Equipment. I also have a report that displays all of
the information in the Equipment table. When the report is opened a form pops
up allowing the user to make a selection from one of four different combo
boxes. After the selection is made and the user clicks Set Filter, the report
is filtered to only show records based on the users selection.

The problem I have is with a field in the Equipment table. It's an Item
Number field with a data type set to Number. This form will only filter text
data & I don’t know how to change that (there must be an easier way.) If I
try to filter the item number field, I get an error message that say's Data
Type Mismatch.

Normally, I would just change the data type in the table and be done with
it. Problem #2, this table is updated daily through an ODBC driver to a text
file sitting on a server. When I run the make table query (can't use update /
append) it automatically sets the item number field to a numeric data type.

So, I need to figure out the best way to change the data type of the Item
Number field in the Equipment Table. Either I do it during the Make Table
Query Process or I do it when I launch the Filter Report as mentioned above.
I’m looking for some ideas. Would someone out there know how to write a piece
of VBA code to change the data type of the Item Number field in the Equipment
table when I click the Command Button “Filter Loaned Equipment?â€

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