How can I bold the label and table/figure number in a caption?
P.S. I have different paragraph styles for table captions versus
figure captions. Table captions appear above their respective tables,
so I've turned on Keep With Next.
P.P.S. I tried to avoid having separate styles for the two but
sticking each caption along with its table/figure into a 2(h)x1(w)
table. The idea was to set a table property to prevent the two cells
from falling across two pages. Unfortunately, I haven't found such a
table property. Is there one?
P.S. I have different paragraph styles for table captions versus
figure captions. Table captions appear above their respective tables,
so I've turned on Keep With Next.
P.P.S. I tried to avoid having separate styles for the two but
sticking each caption along with its table/figure into a 2(h)x1(w)
table. The idea was to set a table property to prevent the two cells
from falling across two pages. Unfortunately, I haven't found such a
table property. Is there one?