Table Formatting and mail merge



I use DATABASE mail merge field which is returning
different number of rows on each 'Update field'. I select
the field and do: Format/Paragraph/Line and Page Breaks
and select Keep lines together and Keep with next, because
I like the table to be only on one page and not to go
across 2 pages. Then I use MERGEFORMAT to keep this table
formatting for the next result. The problem is if I have 3
rows in the initial update and 5 in the next update only
first 3 rows will go together and other two may go over to
the next page. To avoid this I create initial example with
maximum number of rows and apply MERGEFORMAT after that.
The problem I have then is that Last Row Table Property
(I want the last row to be in Bold because it is TOTAL) is
not in the desired position but in the position like it
was in the initial result. MERGEFORMAT switch is
remembering the formatting for each row and is not
dynamically changing according to number of rows in each
So my question is: Can we have both paragraph formatting
(all rows from the table go together on one page) and Last
Row Table Property (which I get using DATABASE field and
switches /l and /b) preserved after each update and how?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Kim,
So my question is: Can we have both paragraph formatting
(all rows from the table go together on one page) and Last
Row Table Property (which I get using DATABASE field and
switches /l and /b) preserved after each update and how?
I've never had any luck getting the combination of table
formats and \* Mergeformat to work together. Generally,
MergeFormat is a problem as soon as the number of
rows/columns changes, rather than simple data.

You might try inserting the database field into a FRAME (from
the Forms toolbar). The frame should ensure the entire table
stays on a single page, so you can dispense with the
MergeFormat switch.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun
8 2004)

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question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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