Table>Formula>SUM(ABOVE) ignores some items



I have a Word document with a table that includes a column with ten
lines of numbers (figures). When I attempt to get the sum of these
numbers in the blank case of line 11 by using the
Table>Formula>SUM(ABOVE) method, the program ignores the first three
lines of the column and gives the sum of only lines 4-10.

Yet when I re-type these numbers as tab-separated text, convert them
into a new one-column table, and then select Table>Formula>SUM(ABOVE)
in the blank cell of line 11, the program correctly gives the sum of
all ten lines.

It seems there must be something about the formatting of the first
three lines of numbers in the original table that prevents them being
recognized by the program's adding feature, but I can't see what it
is. Can anyone tell me what I need to put right?

I am using MS Word 2004 for Mac vs. 11.5 on a Power Mac G4 Gigabyte
Ethernet with OS X 10.4.11.

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