I cut several tables on a Xeon processor from Intel's web site, pasted
them into a new Word 2007 document, then used them to learn how to
reformat tables. After working with Table Properties for a while, I
was able to make the tables appear exactly the way I wanted. I
converted one table into text, reformatted it, then converted it back
to a table.
I alao discovered that the View Gridlines button was helpful in
reformatting. But with gridlines on, I am puzzled by the fact that
all the imported tables have DOUBLE dashed outlines except for the
table that was converted from text, which has only a SINGLE dashed
Has anyone seen this? If so, can you explain the second, slightly
larger set of outlines? Is it possible that the inside outlines are
for the individual cells and the outside outline is for the entire
table? If so, then why is the converted table missing the slightly
larger second set?
them into a new Word 2007 document, then used them to learn how to
reformat tables. After working with Table Properties for a while, I
was able to make the tables appear exactly the way I wanted. I
converted one table into text, reformatted it, then converted it back
to a table.
I alao discovered that the View Gridlines button was helpful in
reformatting. But with gridlines on, I am puzzled by the fact that
all the imported tables have DOUBLE dashed outlines except for the
table that was converted from text, which has only a SINGLE dashed
Has anyone seen this? If so, can you explain the second, slightly
larger set of outlines? Is it possible that the inside outlines are
for the individual cells and the outside outline is for the entire
table? If so, then why is the converted table missing the slightly
larger second set?