i need to do this in vba, because i need the operations later under openoffice and also in ms office 2003/2007.
openoffice cant't do the field operration i needed.
0 > 10 % then print a special character
5 bis 10% then print a special character
5 bis -5% then print a special character
-5 bis -10% then print a special character
0 < -10% then print a special character
the special character should be an arrow (0 °, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180 ), to show an development
thanks a lot
macropod said:
Hi OS,
To see how to do this and a wide range of other calculations in Word, check out my Word Field Maths Tutorial, at:
In particular, look at the items titled 'Testing Or Returning Cell Contents In Tables' and 'Testing Or Returning Text Strings
With Logical Functions In Bookmarks'.
For your particular example, you could use a field coded as:
{IF{=A1}> {=A2} "Special Character" "Some other character"}
{IF{=A1-A2}> 0 "Special Character" "Some other character"}
Note: The field brace pairs (ie '{ }') for the above examples are created via Ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them or copy &
paste them from this message.
[Microsoft MVP - Word]
os said:
in my word document i create a table (3x3).
i try to read out the cells and build an if then construct.
if a1 > a2 then a special character
is there somebody who can helb me with the code.