Table image background w/FP2000



How do I add an image as background to a table in FrontPage 2000? I
can't find a function to do it.


For your security and peace of mind ALL emails are automatically scanned
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A Belt and Suspenders are the best security invented!


....but first, set compatibility to use IE or custom browsers. FrontPage
disables table backgrounds if Browsers is set to use Netscape.

In FP2003:
File->Page Options - Authoring Tab
Set browsers to Custom
Set Schema to Internet Explorer 5.0

In other versions: (from failing memory :) )
File->Page Options - Compatibility Tab

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message Right click inside the table, Table Properties, Background, then I think
there's a check box and a browse to file box.

| How do I add an image as background to a table in FrontPage 2000? I
| can't find a function to do it.
| Larry
| --
| For your security and peace of mind ALL emails are automatically
| with the latest Norton AV Virus Definitions. Not that I have any
| but why not be careful! I get virus signature updates
| A Belt and Suspenders are the best security invented!


Thanx, setting browser to Custom did the trick.

...but first, set compatibility to use IE or custom browsers. FrontPage
disables table backgrounds if Browsers is set to use Netscape.

In FP2003:
File->Page Options - Authoring Tab
Set browsers to Custom
Set Schema to Internet Explorer 5.0

In other versions: (from failing memory :) )
File->Page Options - Compatibility Tab

For your security and peace of mind ALL emails are automatically scanned
with the latest Norton AV Virus Definitions. Not that I have any virus'
but why not be careful! I get virus signature updates regularly!

A Belt and Suspenders are the best security invented!

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