I have a spreadsheet that looks something like this:
Amount AGE
0 - 40 41 - 45 46 - 50 51 - 60 61+
0 - 40,000 A A A A B
41,001 - 99,999 A A A B B
100,000 - 199,999 A A A F F
200,000 - 249,999 A A F G G
250,000 - 300 000 E F F G H
300,000 - 499,999 F F G G H
500,000 F F G G H
500,001 - 750,000 F G G G H
750,001 - 1,000,000 G G G H H
1,000,001 - 1,500,000 G G H H H
1,5,000,001 - 2,000,000 G H H H H
2,000,001 - and up H H H H H
A Procedure 1
B Procedure 2
C Procedure 3
D Procedure 4
E Procedure 5
F Procedure 6
G Procedure 7
H Procedure 8
I need to be able to lookup the coverage amount range, (e.g. the coverage
could be 200,003), lookup the age (for example 43) and return what procedure
is to be followed (to complete the example 200,003 for a 43 year old should
return "Procedure 1".
Any specific help?
Amount AGE
0 - 40 41 - 45 46 - 50 51 - 60 61+
0 - 40,000 A A A A B
41,001 - 99,999 A A A B B
100,000 - 199,999 A A A F F
200,000 - 249,999 A A F G G
250,000 - 300 000 E F F G H
300,000 - 499,999 F F G G H
500,000 F F G G H
500,001 - 750,000 F G G G H
750,001 - 1,000,000 G G G H H
1,000,001 - 1,500,000 G G H H H
1,5,000,001 - 2,000,000 G H H H H
2,000,001 - and up H H H H H
A Procedure 1
B Procedure 2
C Procedure 3
D Procedure 4
E Procedure 5
F Procedure 6
G Procedure 7
H Procedure 8
I need to be able to lookup the coverage amount range, (e.g. the coverage
could be 200,003), lookup the age (for example 43) and return what procedure
is to be followed (to complete the example 200,003 for a 43 year old should
return "Procedure 1".
Any specific help?