table name question..


Fatih Keles

hi, is it possible to place a . (dot) in the name of an access table..?

I mean

db.Students for example..

I can give the name as Students but I want to learn whether I can put
db.Students or not?

Thanks in advance..

Cheryl Fischer

This is not recommended, as the dot has a specific meaning to Access and may
cause errors or other unexpected results. There is more information about
Reserved Words at the following link:;en-us;209187

Putting brackets [] around db.Students every time you use it may help to
avoid errors, but why set yourself up for extra work? As far as naming
objects, I recommend a more descriptive naming convention:

tables = tblStudents
queries = qryStudents
reports = rptStudents
forms = frmStudents
macros = mcrStudents


Jeff Boyce


I'm with Cheryl, why give yourself (and Access) headaches trying to sort out
whether a "." is part of a name or ...?

By the way, WHY do you want to? As in "what business need are you trying to
solve by doing this?"

Fatih Keles

thanks for your answer but it is not about the naming convention..
I have an borland application , there are many tables which is in sql
And in builder, the table components see the tables as dbo.Students..
Lets say the app has 1000 tables and I want to transfer the database from
sql server to access (with relations)(and why I am moving the db -> I will
move the exe to a computer which has not got sql server,lets say..:)
so I want only change odbc source and no change the table names or codes..
since the table names have the prefix [dbo] ( like dbo.Students) in Builder
, they
cannot see Student table, instead (I think) they are looking for
so for a while I thought if I change the name as dbo.Students..

of course if you could suggest a better solution, I would appreciate but
since this is not borland community, I think I can only ask access view of
this problem:)

Thanks anyway..


Cheryl Fischer said:
This is not recommended, as the dot has a specific meaning to Access and may
cause errors or other unexpected results. There is more information about
Reserved Words at the following link:;en-us;209187

Putting brackets [] around db.Students every time you use it may help to
avoid errors, but why set yourself up for extra work? As far as naming
objects, I recommend a more descriptive naming convention:

tables = tblStudents
queries = qryStudents
reports = rptStudents
forms = frmStudents
macros = mcrStudents



Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

Fatih Keles said:
hi, is it possible to place a . (dot) in the name of an access table..?

I mean

db.Students for example..

I can give the name as Students but I want to learn whether I can put
db.Students or not?

Thanks in advance..

Fatih Keles

thanks Jeff,
I explained the problem above but I would like to say one thing to you...
My name is Fatih, not Faith.:)


Jeff Boyce

My apologies, Fatih. My eyes are still blurry at this time of the morning
and I didn't read carefully enough.


Cheryl Fischer

If you do not want to change your table names in Access to eliminate
Reserved Words and Symbols, then you will need to refer to each of these
table objects with surrounding brackets [db.Students] in any Access VBA
statement or expression, Query or Property Setting.

If you plan to use these tables with a front-end created in some development
environment other than Access, the rules could be different and you will
want search for a newsgroup appropriate to that development environment.


Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

Fatih Keles said:
thanks for your answer but it is not about the naming convention..
I have an borland application , there are many tables which is in sql
And in builder, the table components see the tables as dbo.Students..
Lets say the app has 1000 tables and I want to transfer the database from
sql server to access (with relations)(and why I am moving the db -> I will
move the exe to a computer which has not got sql server,lets say..:)
so I want only change odbc source and no change the table names or codes..
since the table names have the prefix [dbo] ( like dbo.Students) in Builder
, they
cannot see Student table, instead (I think) they are looking for
so for a while I thought if I change the name as dbo.Students..

of course if you could suggest a better solution, I would appreciate but
since this is not borland community, I think I can only ask access view of
this problem:)

Thanks anyway..


Cheryl Fischer said:
This is not recommended, as the dot has a specific meaning to Access and may
cause errors or other unexpected results. There is more information about
Reserved Words at the following link:;en-us;209187

Putting brackets [] around db.Students every time you use it may help to
avoid errors, but why set yourself up for extra work? As far as naming
objects, I recommend a more descriptive naming convention:

tables = tblStudents
queries = qryStudents
reports = rptStudents
forms = frmStudents
macros = mcrStudents



Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

Fatih Keles said:
hi, is it possible to place a . (dot) in the name of an access table..?

I mean

db.Students for example..

I can give the name as Students but I want to learn whether I can put
db.Students or not?

Thanks in advance..

PC Datasheet

Punctuation marks are not permitted in Object names.

Suggest you use TblStudents

Duane Hookom

If you link to a SQL Server table, the dot will be replaced by an underscore
in Access. You can further rename the linked tables in Access. If you create
a pass-through query, you will be able to use dbo.Students.

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Fatih Keles said:
thanks for your answer but it is not about the naming convention..
I have an borland application , there are many tables which is in sql
And in builder, the table components see the tables as dbo.Students..
Lets say the app has 1000 tables and I want to transfer the database from
sql server to access (with relations)(and why I am moving the db -> I will
move the exe to a computer which has not got sql server,lets say..:)
so I want only change odbc source and no change the table names or codes..
since the table names have the prefix [dbo] ( like dbo.Students) in Builder
, they
cannot see Student table, instead (I think) they are looking for
so for a while I thought if I change the name as dbo.Students..

of course if you could suggest a better solution, I would appreciate but
since this is not borland community, I think I can only ask access view of
this problem:)

Thanks anyway..


Cheryl Fischer said:
This is not recommended, as the dot has a specific meaning to Access and may
cause errors or other unexpected results. There is more information about
Reserved Words at the following link:;en-us;209187

Putting brackets [] around db.Students every time you use it may help to
avoid errors, but why set yourself up for extra work? As far as naming
objects, I recommend a more descriptive naming convention:

tables = tblStudents
queries = qryStudents
reports = rptStudents
forms = frmStudents
macros = mcrStudents



Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX

Fatih Keles said:
hi, is it possible to place a . (dot) in the name of an access table..?

I mean

db.Students for example..

I can give the name as Students but I want to learn whether I can put
db.Students or not?

Thanks in advance..

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