thanks for your answer but it is not about the naming convention..
I have an borland application , there are many tables which is in sql
And in builder, the table components see the tables as dbo.Students..
Lets say the app has 1000 tables and I want to transfer the database from
sql server to access (with relations)(and why I am moving the db -> I will
move the exe to a computer which has not got sql server,lets say..

so I want only change odbc source and no change the table names or codes..
since the table names have the prefix [dbo] ( like dbo.Students) in Builder
, they
cannot see Student table, instead (I think) they are looking for
so for a while I thought if I change the name as dbo.Students..
of course if you could suggest a better solution, I would appreciate but
since this is not borland community, I think I can only ask access view of
this problem
Thanks anyway..
Cheryl Fischer said:
This is not recommended, as the dot has a specific meaning to Access and may
cause errors or other unexpected results. There is more information about
Reserved Words at the following link:
Putting brackets [] around db.Students every time you use it may help to
avoid errors, but why set yourself up for extra work? As far as naming
objects, I recommend a more descriptive naming convention:
tables = tblStudents
queries = qryStudents
reports = rptStudents
forms = frmStudents
macros = mcrStudents
Cheryl Fischer, MVP Microsoft Access
Law/Sys Associates, Houston, TX
Fatih Keles said:
hi, is it possible to place a . (dot) in the name of an access table..?
I mean
db.Students for example..
I can give the name as Students but I want to learn whether I can put
db.Students or not?
Thanks in advance..