table nesting levels



I have some code that carries out an operation on the table containing the
current selection. Works fine on a simple table. If the selection is in a
nested table, I need to work on the parent table. I can check if the
selection is in a nested table (Table.NestingLevel > 1) -- but how can I get
a reference from there to the parent table? From my reading of the
documentation, I should be able to use


But applying my code to this reference affects the rows of the nested table
and the rows of the parent table *following* the nested table. Anyone have
any experience with this?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Jezebel,

Re-read the text for the Help example again, it basically says this function
doesn't look "outwards", as I understand it.

What does seem to work is something like

Dim rng As Word.Range

Set rng = Selection.Range
Debug.Print rng.Tables(1).NestingLevel
Do While rng.Tables(1).NestingLevel > 1
Set rng = rng.Tables(1).Range
rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
Debug.Print rng.Tables(1).NestingLevel

I have some code that carries out an operation on the table containing the
current selection. Works fine on a simple table. If the selection is in a
nested table, I need to work on the parent table. I can check if the
selection is in a nested table (Table.NestingLevel > 1) -- but how can I get
a reference from there to the parent table? From my reading of the
documentation, I should be able to use


But applying my code to this reference affects the rows of the nested table
and the rows of the parent table *following* the nested table. Anyone have
any experience with this?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep 30 2003)

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