Table of cells contains comingled text (A,B,C,1,2,3)-formated as .



Have a "Log sheet" of digital photo file numbers which has a column formated
as text with alpha & numerical (formated as text) entries to designate the
printing instructions for each file.

So a cell may contain a single entry as "A" or "C" or "1" or "5" etc. or it
could contain multiple combintations as "B,3" or "D,1,1" which give the lab
instructions on what to print and how many of each unit to print.

Need to total the number of "A" or "B" or "1" or "3" entries that occur in
the "Log" table. Can this be done?

Using Office 2003 Excel


THANKS - It is TOO obvious when broken down to a simple procedure, I was
making it way to complicated in trying to do it all in one step - and just
didn't think of the "*" Wild Card part of the syntax. THANKS

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