Table of contect and index??


I have a book that is composed of several volumes in word. Each volume is
in its own directory and each directory contains several documents. Each
document represent a chapter.

....\volume 1\.Doc1.doc
....................and so on for each of the directories
....\volume 2\
....\volume 3\
....\volume 4\

Now my problem is that I want to create a table of content at the beginning
of the book and an index at the end of the book. These two things need to
encompass all the volumes and all the documents in each volume.

can word generate this across multiple documents.

Please respond to my email as well as the group.

Jose R. Nebro
(e-mail address removed)

Jim Cronin said:
I have a book that is composed of several volumes in word. Each volume is
in its own directory and each directory contains several documents. Each
document represent a chapter.

...\volume 1\.Doc1.doc
...................and so on for each of the directories
...\volume 2\
...\volume 3\
...\volume 4\

Now my problem is that I want to create a table of content at the beginning
of the book and an index at the end of the book. These two things need to
encompass all the volumes and all the documents in each volume.

can word generate this across multiple documents.

Please respond to my email as well as the group.

Jose R. Nebro
(e-mail address removed)

The trick is to use the "RD" field. It references documents in the
current folder by default but since you want to specify the path, use
this format: "C:\\My Documents\\Manual.doc". Note the double
slashes—they're critical.

Here are some details from Word 2002's Online Help topic on the RD

Field codes: RD (Referenced Document) field

{ RD "FileName"} "Filename" identifies a file to include when you
create a table of contents, a table of authorities, or an index with
the TOC, TOA, or INDEX field. If the location includes a long file
name with spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. Replace single
backslashes with double backslashes to specify the path, for example:

"C:\\My Documents\\Manual.doc"


The following fields inserted into one document create a table of
contents that includes entries from the three referenced documents:

{ TOC }
{ RD C:\\Manual\\Chapters\\Chapter1.doc }
{ RD C:\\Manual\\Chapters\\Chapter2.doc }
{ RD C:\\Manual\\Chapters\\Chapter3.doc }

Here's my own example:
If you're using Word 2002, insert the RD field from the main menu as
Click Insert>Field then type "R" to scroll to the RD field.

If the file you're referencing is in the current folder or subordinate
to it, select the "Path is relative to current doc" checkbox. Word
will replace spaces with "%20" and add the "\f" switch.

{ RD "Enterprise%20Manager.doc" \f }
{ RD "Purchase%20Orders.doc" \f }
{ RD "Creating%20or%20Viewing%20Purchase%20Requisitions.doc" \f }

Note that the RD fields are formatted in Hidden Text, which is good
because you don't want them seen. I generally insert the RD fields
after the TOC field and save just the TOC in a file of its own. If you
want to keep the chapters in different folders then you need to
specify the path to each chapter in each RD field. I generally put all
the files in one folder at the end of the projectand generate the TOC
then, so I don't need to enter complicated paths.

When you update the TOC field, Word pulls text paragraphs formatted in
its built-in heading styles into the TOC file. You can specify the
heading levels you want to appear by editing the TOC field. For
example, enter this { TOC \o "1-5" } to retrieve only Headings 1
through 5. If you don't use the built-in styles, you have to type in
your heading names in quotes separated by commas (if I remember

Also, if you copy and paste filenames between the quotes, be sure not
to let Word's "Smart Cut and Paste" feature automatically add any
spaces. I find copying the filenames cuts down on typos. Another
timesaver is to make a list of hyperlinks to each of your files, then
press Alt-F9 to view the code behind the text link, copy and paste
that between the quotes.

Hope this helps!

Jim Cronin, Unemployed Technical Writer
(e-mail address removed)

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