Table of Contents Help

  • Thread starter Kbrad32 via
  • Start date

Kbrad32 via

Good Morning Everyone,

I am having trouble updating my Table of Contents report that I created using
KB article 210269. The is as follows:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim TocTable As DAO.Recordset
Dim intPageCounter As Integer

Function InitToc()
'Called from the OnOpen property of the report.
'Opens the database and the table for the report.
Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef

Set db = CurrentDb()

'Resets the page number back to 1
intPageCounter = 1
'Delete all previous entries in Table of Contents table.
Set qd = db.CreateQueryDef("", "Delete * From [Table of Contents]")


'Open the table.
Set TocTable = db.OpenRecordset("Table Of Contents", dbOpenTable)

TocTable.Index = "Description"
End Function

Function UpdateToc(TocEntry As String, Rpt As Report)
'Call from the OnPrint property of the section containing
'the Table Of Contents Description field.
'Updates the Table Of Contents table.
TocTable.Seek "=", TocEntry

If TocTable.NoMatch Then
TocTable!Description = TocEntry
TocTable![page number] = intPageCounter
End If
End Function
Function UpdatePageNumber()
intPageCounter = intPageCounter + 1
End Function

------------------------------------------------------> This is working fine,
but the report doesn't have the correct page number for each record. All the
pages just states the number 1 (one). Is there a to do this? Any help will be
greatly appreciated.


Kbrad32 ;c)

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