table of contents link



I have created a table of contents in a word document. (2003)
How do I set it to just go to the page number I click on instead of having
to hold the control key down? I would like this to work for anyone who is
using the document.
Any help is appreciated.

Terry Farrell

In Word Tools, Options, uncheck the option 'Use Control+Click to Follow
Hyperlink'. You can also insert the ToC as a hyperlink so that the whole
line as a hyperlink rather than just the page number.

Jay Freedman

For yourself, go to Tools > Options > Edit and uncheck the box for
"Use Ctrl + click to follow hyperlink".

Trying to change this automatically for other users of the document
will cause more problems than it will solve. It would require creating
a macro in the document, and that would cause a macro virus warning to
appear every time they open the document (unless they have the
security level set to High and macros are disabled, or they have it
set to Low which is just asking for a virus). You can tell them how to
change it if they want to, or they may just be accustomed to using
Ctrl + click.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so all may benefit.


This worked great! Thanks so much for your help.

Very Respectfully,
Stephanie (Seabee Sweetie)

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