Table of Contents or NOT? - Advice Needed


Debra Farnham

Win2k Office 2000

I'm really in need of advice more than anything else.

I have a document where throughout the document you will find text such as
the following:

EXHIBIT NUMBER 1 - Description of Exhibit which could carry on for several

I need to create a table of some kind that includes ONLY the actual exhibit
number, the description and the page that the entire paragraph appears on.
(Not sure if it matters, but in the document the words EXHIBIT NUMBER 1 will
be underlined).

To make matters worse, the layout of the table is important too.

It must appear something like the following:

1 Description 4 (where 4
is the page number)
2 Description 6
3 Description 7

(In case the "formatting" got lost in the post, the first number is left
aligned, the Description would begin at about the 2.5" mark and be left
aligned, and the page number also left aligned at about the 5" mark.

Any suggestions on what the best approach might be for creating a table that
includes ONLY what I need?

I'm fresh out of thoughts.

Thank you so much for any input.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

If you do not need an ordinary table of contents in the document, you could
create a Heading 1 style in which the Numbering was defined as EXHIBIT
NUMBER # and apply that style where ever you had an item that you wanted to
be included in the table. Then when you create the table of contents it
would initially be in the form

EXHIBIT NUMBER # Description of Item

You could then use column select to select all of the EXHIBIT NUMBER and
apply hidden formatting to the font. Then, if the display of hidden text
is not enabled, you would get

# Description of Item

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Debra Farnham

Thanks for your response Doug but I have one more quick question?

Will your method work if I am using a SEQ field to sequentially number the

I'm really hoping when all is said and done that I can write some code that
will find all Exhibits in the document and properly index them (as stated

Thanks again.


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