Table of contents order



How can I change the order in which my web site's message board
table of contents is listed? I set it up to list the table of
contents with the oldest at the top and the new messages at the
bottom. This has gotten a bit out of hand, and I would like to
reverse this, and put the newest messages at the top of the Table
of Contents list.

I have found instructions for setting this up as one builds a
web, but I can not find any way to change it after the web has
been published. Am I dead in the water with this?

I'm using FP 2000, Version withy FP Extensions Ver on the server.

Thanks, Gordon L. Richard, Webmaster,

Mark Fitzpatrick

Unfortunately, FP cannot change it once created. The TOC for the message
board is simply a file, that means FP either just appends items at the
beginning or the end. Once setup, it doesn't switch back because the items
in the TOC aren't exactly organized like they would be in a message board
that uses a database. It may be possible to create a new one them try to
dump the text of the TOC in there as well as the articles (of course, you
can also re-arrange the items in the TOC by hand before doing this) but I've
never seen it done. The FP message board is not very bright and was
originally designed back in the day when it was far more difficult to get a
message board up and running. You may want to look into whether or not you
can find a free message board script that would work with your host that's
more customizable. In the long run, that may be a better solution for you as
it could be easier to maintain.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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