Table of Contents



I have a user using Word 2003. When he generates his TOC, some of the page
numbers are using the dotted leader and are right aligned, as he wants. But
some of the page numbers appear to the immediate right of the entry - with no
leaders. All of the entries are using the same Heading 3 style. Any ideas why
some of the page numbers don't have the leaders??

Suzanne S. Barnhill

What happens if he selects the TOC and presses Ctrl+Q? Is Heading 3
numbered? If so, do the problem entries have two-digit numbers? If so, check
that the hanging indent (and first tab stop) is leaving enough space for the
entire number and a tab character.

Margaret Aldis

Check the tab positions of your TOC3 style. You'll probably find that either
you don't have the right aligned tab for the page number set, or you have an
additional tab position which is not being reached by the offending Heading
3 heading text - so the page number is appearing at this first tab stop.
This is especially likely if your higher levels are numbered (so need a tab
separating numbers and text) but Heading 3 is not.


Thanks Margaret. It was the tab settings.

Margaret Aldis said:
Check the tab positions of your TOC3 style. You'll probably find that either
you don't have the right aligned tab for the page number set, or you have an
additional tab position which is not being reached by the offending Heading
3 heading text - so the page number is appearing at this first tab stop.
This is especially likely if your higher levels are numbered (so need a tab
separating numbers and text) but Heading 3 is not.

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