Please help
I have formated TOC 2 as follows: Normal+Font:12pt, Indent Left:0.16cm, Line Spacing:1.5lines, Tabs:1.9cm, auto update.
But when I hit F9 to update another tab stop keeps appearing at 1.6, so my text is starting at 1.6 and not 1.9????? I went back to square one and cleared all tab stops and re-modified the TOC 2 one step at a time and as this progressed the TOC formatted correctly with no extra tab, but as soon as I press F9 back it comes back.
Also when I hover over most of the TOC entries the style keeps saying 'Hyperlink'?
on those where it says TOC 2 the font is Times New Roman, yet the style clearly is set to Arial.
The style is based on Normal, but that is defineatly Arial as well.
This is soooooo frustrating, please help
I have formated TOC 2 as follows: Normal+Font:12pt, Indent Left:0.16cm, Line Spacing:1.5lines, Tabs:1.9cm, auto update.
But when I hit F9 to update another tab stop keeps appearing at 1.6, so my text is starting at 1.6 and not 1.9????? I went back to square one and cleared all tab stops and re-modified the TOC 2 one step at a time and as this progressed the TOC formatted correctly with no extra tab, but as soon as I press F9 back it comes back.
Also when I hover over most of the TOC entries the style keeps saying 'Hyperlink'?
on those where it says TOC 2 the font is Times New Roman, yet the style clearly is set to Arial.
The style is based on Normal, but that is defineatly Arial as well.
This is soooooo frustrating, please help