Table on Contents - TOC2 giving odd tab stops???



Please help

I have formated TOC 2 as follows: Normal+Font:12pt, Indent Left:0.16cm, Line Spacing:1.5lines, Tabs:1.9cm, auto update.

But when I hit F9 to update another tab stop keeps appearing at 1.6, so my text is starting at 1.6 and not 1.9????? I went back to square one and cleared all tab stops and re-modified the TOC 2 one step at a time and as this progressed the TOC formatted correctly with no extra tab, but as soon as I press F9 back it comes back.

Also when I hover over most of the TOC entries the style keeps saying 'Hyperlink'?
on those where it says TOC 2 the font is Times New Roman, yet the style clearly is set to Arial.

The style is based on Normal, but that is defineatly Arial as well.

This is soooooo frustrating, please help


Thanks, I've checked and all appears to be OK, What I don't understand is why TOC 1 which is set-up exactly the same as TOC 2 is OK. And why oh why is it Times new roman when the style is ARIAL. I'm sure it's only changed the font since we upgraded to XP.

Any ideas, I'm desperate more so because of the changing font???????

Stefan Blom

I have two suggestions:

1. Do the headings contain any direct formatting, that is,
formatting that doesn't come frome their style definitions? If yes,
this is the cause of the font problem, since Word will bring any
direct font formatting into the table of contents.

2. On the Tools menu, click Templates and Add-Ins. Is the box to
"Automatically update document styles" checked? If it is, clear it,
click OK and save the document. (Note that you might also have to do
something else, such as adding and deleting a space, in order for Word
to recognize that the document has been changed and thus allow you to
save it.)

Do either of these make a difference?

Stefan Blom

JulieG said:
Thanks, I've checked and all appears to be OK, What I don't
understand is why TOC 1 which is set-up exactly the same as TOC 2 is
OK. And why oh why is it Times new roman when the style is ARIAL. I'm
sure it's only changed the font since we upgraded to XP.
Any ideas, I'm desperate more so because of the changing font???????
1.6, so my text is starting at 1.6 and not 1.9????? I went back to
square one and cleared all tab stops and re-modified the TOC 2 one
step at a time and as this progressed the TOC formatted correctly with
no extra tab, but as soon as I press F9 back it comes back.


I would say to select a TOC2 paragraph, press Ctrl+Space to strip any character formatting out of it, format the paragraph as Arial etc., then in Format | Styles and Formatting, click on Update to Match Selection, and turn off Automatically Update. If TOC2 still doesn't work right, I might try the doc-to-html-to-doc thing or consider creating a new template from scratch in XP, as this behavior could be the result of a minor corruption in the template that didn't become apparent until the upgrade.


Sadly there is no direct formatting and the auto update is not set. We have just noticed that it is the tab space between the number and the text that is infact Times New Roman, so not sure if my extra tab (that I haven't added and that refuses to be deleted) is somehow causing this problem.

Any other suggestions would be very much appreicated. My user has also said that other styles are defaulting to Times New Roman when they have been set as Arial and that this did not happen pre-Office-XP.

Stefan Blom

JulieG said:
No still no joy, what do you mean doc-html-doc?

It means to save the document as HTML (by using File>Save As) and then
to save it back to the Word document (*.doc) format. For Word 2000 and
later, this is a way to get rid of corruptions but still preserve most
of the formatting of the document.

Chad DeMeyer


This is something I struggled with a long time before I stumbled on the
solution. Word always wants to add its own arbitrary tab set, different for
each level of a TOC, based on where it thinks text should start after a
heading number. The way to suppress it is to add the "\w" switch to the TOC
field. If you need more detailed instructions:

1. Place cursor anywhere in TOC
2. Toggle the field's display from result to code by pressing Shift+F9
3. Place cursor immediately before the closing field brace "}"
4. Type "\w "
5. Press F9 to update the field - you're weird tab sets should be gone!

The cryptic description of this switch in Word help is "\w
Preserves tab entries within table entries". Which is why it took me so
long to connect it with the problem!


JulieG said:
Please help

I have formated TOC 2 as follows: Normal+Font:12pt, Indent Left:0.16cm,
Line Spacing:1.5lines, Tabs:1.9cm, auto update.
But when I hit F9 to update another tab stop keeps appearing at 1.6, so my
text is starting at 1.6 and not 1.9????? I went back to square one and
cleared all tab stops and re-modified the TOC 2 one step at a time and as
this progressed the TOC formatted correctly with no extra tab, but as soon
as I press F9 back it comes back.


I've had this same problem with several versions of Word now. It's weird. I
tried the switch as mentioned below, but it didn't fix mine.

On occasion, a "Jason tab" will insert itself only in certain TOC entries.
I've had the same TOC heading "title" throughout a document with only the
numbering (outline) different, but the exact words, and sometimes it places a
tab in one TOC entry and not the other. It is insane.

I want to stay away from macros.

Any other suggestions?


Chad you're a godsend!!! I've been perusing the posts trying to find a clue
how to make the tab set start earlier (only longer headings were getting
right aligned with dot leaders), so I did not have to manually move the tab
stop for my shorter headings.

I tried formatting styles TOC2, formatting from Insert, reading links to MVP
pages, etc., I tried your trick and VOILA!!

It's weird how solving a Word problem can brighten my day SO much!!

thx a mint...just wanted you to know that you help many more than the
original poster!


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