Table over flow to multiple pages



I have MS off Prof 2003. I built a two column page and inserted a 106 row x
3 column table. I filled that up with data and tried to overflow to page
two. Did not happen. I tried to insert a new table but that did not work
either. I place the curser on the last cell and click tab or enter but that
just expands a cell on the 2nd page towards the bottom. I must be missing
something. Any help would be appreciated.


Hi KingsKid43,

If you select cell C106 and press <Tab>, you should get a new row added to
your table. Pressing <Tab> anywhere else in the table simply moves the
cursor to the next cell. Pressing <Enter> in any cell simply adds paragraphs
to that cell, expanding it vertically (unless you have the row height set to
'Exact' - in which case anything below the inserted paragraph mark is liable
to disappear).


Stefan Blom

Another thing to consider: Make sure that "Text wrapping" is set to
"None," on the Table tab of Table | Table Properties.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


Thank you Macropod, Stefan, I did both things and it worked. NOW will I have
to do this for all 8 pages (about 800 lines in table) or is there some way of
expanding the table to 800 rows by 3 colums. I have not tried to make a
table that big before. Should I have started with a table that big?


Wow. I answered my own question. I tried to make a table with 800 rows and
it actually worked! Now all I have to do is type like crazy for the next
week :)
Thank you all!

Stefan Blom

Glad you got it sorted, and thank you for the feedback.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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