Table pagination bug?



I have Word 2003 with all the latest patches. In a
document with a table and a lot of rows (approx 88), on
occasion, inserting a new row will force page 1 to have
only the table headings and no rows. The first row will
appear on the second page. It doesn't matter if I check
the "Allow row to break across pages" for all rows or
not. Nothing I've tried solves the problem. Eventually,
adding more rows will force one row to appear on page 1,
and then two rows, etc. It may eventually fill page 1 or
it may force all rows to page 2 again. I cannot see a
consistent pattern. Has anyone else experienced this



That suggestion seems to to the trick. Thanks! I'll be
interested in your reply to the questions in my first

Thanks again ... Dave


-----Original Message-----
Thank you for the prompt reply. I'll try that - what
exactly does it do? How do "paragraphs" relate to table
rows? It does not seem very intuitive.


You expect Word to be *intuitive*? <giggle> Sorry,
couldn't help myself. Word is many things, but intuitive
is *way* down at the bottom of the list.

Seriously, all the formatting that applies to a paragraph
doesn't just magically vanish when you put that paragraph
into a table. It's usually a good idea to create a style
called something like "Table Text" that doesn't
have 'keep with next' associated with it. Table styles
usually have their margins & "leading" (the spaces above
& below the paragraph) set differently from ordinary body
text. Do read the FAQs about the dangers of basing new
styles on the Normal style, though.

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